Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Oh Me, Oh My...

As my daughter would say, "holey moley"!! It has been a LONG time since I blogged. Geez - I feel so slack! I know I said it my last post that I was going to straighten up and get back into this whole blogging thing but I really let you, my poor old blog, down. For that I am sorry and all I can say is that I plan on making more of an effort to update you at regular intervals.

With that being said, time to recap what has been happening...

1. Mia is growing in leaps and bounds not only physically but also in terms of her personality and intelligence. I swear this girl is an absolute sponge. She learns so quickly and retains information so easily! She comes out with all these funny and new phrases almost every day! Here are some of her new ones...

"Hmmmm, it is a mystery."
"That is strange!" (she says this whilst putting her finger on her chin and putting on a "thinking" face).
"That is fantastically fun mum!"

She amazes me every day! We are very busy girls lately with Mia doing a gymnastics class, a swimming class and a music class. She loves each one of them and it is so great to see her thrive. She loves crafty things and really enjoys baking. I enrolled her on the waiting list for Kindergarten in 2013 **sniff, sniff**. I can't believe it is coming up that quickly. I am sure she will have a blast but I am going to be a mess. At least I have another year to enjoy having her at home!!

2. I suppose in reality the biggest news since I last blogged is that I am pregnant. And not just newly pregnant but almost 28 weeks pregnant. Yes, it has been that long since I have wrote on my blog! I am due on 6th January and we are having another girl (yippee!!) but it is looking more than likely that I will be induced anytime after 37 weeks due to the complicated birth I had with Mia. I would be more than happy for this baby to arrive before Christmas. That way I don't have to be preggo OVER Christmas and deal with the stinkin' hot heat!! LOL  This pregnancy has been great. I am a lot more tired with this one than I was with Mia but I think that is because I have to run after a 2 1/2 year old all day! No morning sickess or any other problems. Just tired! I am seeing a different obstetrician this time and delivering at a different hospital. I am really happy with everything though and I am SO looking forward to meeting this little girl!!

Not really any other newsworthy things to write about. We have continued to do bits and pieces around the house (painting, organising etc) so that keeps us busy. David is busily working away on booklets to use in his music classes next year as the ones he was currently using were up to the standard he wanted. His books are looking great - very time consuming though!!

I will leave you with a few photos of my gorgeous Mia who changes all the time! She sure is a little girl now and no longer a baby!!

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